Mastering Course - Start To Finish
Complete mastering process, state of the art techniques and theoretical backgrounds
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What you're getting:
Basics of Mastering, Advanced techniques and a complete start-to-finish production course. We are mastering:
- A popular track with all types of plugins explaining the theory
- A Future Bass track from start to finish with Fab-Filter plugins
- A Techno Track from start to finish with all types of plugins
- Various tracks using Ableton stock plugins only.
30+ Studio sessions with Francois / Production Music Live
5h+ online video sessions with lifetime-access
Bonus Videos:
- Mastering a Melodic Techno Track with Ableton stock effects
- Mastering a Pop Chainsmoking Style Track with Ableton stock effects
- Mastering an EDM Track with Ableton stock effects
Options: Be sure to check the available course options below including a package with our course "Mixing A Track From Start To Finish" 15% off their single store price.
What you will learn from this course:
Basics of Mastering and Mastering different styles with different tools
After having taken this class, you'll have seen a complete mastering process first hand in several different styles, executed with different tools: Waves plugins, Fab-Filter Plugins, Izotope Ozone Plugins and Ableton Live stock effects. We are starting with the basics and working through all the different important stages of the mastering process.
What's required?
- Basic understanding of music production and an interest in finalizing your track in the mastering stage.
- If you'd like to use the bonus course files, Ableton Live 9.7 Standard would be needed. But you can follow the course being a user of any other DAW.
What songs are being mastered in the course?
The course will take you through:
- Complete Mastering process for your own music
- Avoid common mastering errors and psycho-acoustic traps
- Preparing your Mixdown
- Covering Theoretical Backgrounds
- Compression Techniques
- EQing Techniques
- Properly treat your bass frequencies
- Mastering with Ableton stock plugins
- Mastering with 3rd party plugins
- Master the essentials and theories of sound perception
Course Curriculum
Start1 - Equalizer: Low Cut (3:37)
Preview2 - Equalizer: Balance (4:26)
Start3 - Equalizer: Matching EQ (4:25)
StartRoom & Speakers (2:38)
Start4 - Equalizer: Matching EQ Part 2 (3:00)
Start5 - Equalizer - EQing the Track Part 1 (9:42)
Start6 - Equalizer - EQing the Track Part 2 (7:22)
Start7 - Multiband Compression (16:50)
StartMetering - Decibel (1:55)
PreviewMetering - RMS (3:25)
Preview8 - Compression (14:48)
Start9 - Limiter (6:06)
Start10 - Metering (9:01)
Start11 - Stereo Imaging (9:14)
Start12 - Final Touches EQ (6:16)
Start13 - Optional Maximizer (3:52)
StartExporting Dithering (3:13)
StartMetering - Fletcher Munson Curve (1:33)
StartMetering - LUFS (1:35)
StartMetering - Spotify & Other Services (4:19)
StartMastering Chain Blueprint (2:31)
Start1 - Dynamic EQ (6:42)
Start2 - Mid-Side EQ (2:17)
Start3 - Matching EQ (6:06)
Start4 - Tonal EQ (6:08)
Start5 - Catching Peaks Compression (12:15)
Start6 - Multiband Compression (11:50)
Start7 - Add Punch Compression (7:37)
Start8 - Exciter and Imager (9:12)
Start9 - Limiting and Final Touch (6:14)
StartTechno - Final Master Playthrough (6:11)
Your Instructor
I'm Francois, classically trained musician and music producer from Germany with an insatiable passion for great sound design, audio engineering and electronic music production. I've released tracks on labels such as Universal Music, Parquet Recordings, Portrait Digital Recordings, Somatic Sense, Jannowitz Records and others. Maybe you've seen one of my tutorials on our YouTube channel "Production Music Live". I also have a personal Youtube Channel called "Francois Beats". I like exploring new ways of working, acquiring new skills and sharing my knowledge.
Check out some of my electronic music productions on
Visit my personal Website.
Visit ProductionMusicLive.com