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Classics: Music Theory - How to Write Melodies (PML105)
Introduction: Melody Course
Introduction (1:06)
Looking At Some Common Melody Problems (6:51)
Refresher: Music Theory & Harmony
1 - What is a Scale and the C Major Scale (9:56)
2 - The Natural Minor Scale (2:04)
3 - Relative Minor, Circle of Fifths (3:19)
4 - Triads - Thirds & Fifths, Minor vs Major, Being in "Key" (7:48)
Melody Basics
1 - Definition of A Melody (using 3 Examples) (8:38)
2 - The Intervals Part 1 (9:56)
3 - The Pentatonic Scale - Start here to Simplify your Scale Life (6:45)
4 - A Minor - A Minor Pentatonic (4:46)
The Foundations of Great Melodies - Part 1
1 - Melody Foundations 1: Tell a Story (5:20)
2 - Melody Foundations 2: Range (3:02)
3 - Melody Foundations 3: Q&A, Repetition & Variation (6:24)
4 - Melody Foundations 4: Steps, Skips, Leaps and Rhythm (9:24)
5 - Practical Session: Writing a simple Melody for Melodic Techno (16:46)
6 - Practical Session: Writing a simple Melody for EDM (6:59)
The Foundations of Great Melodies - Part 2
1 - How to Establish a Tonal Center for your Melody (7:54)
2 - Practical Session: Writing a simple Melody - Summer Beat (8:49)
3 - The Tritone: An Example (3:14)
4 - The Intervals Part 2 - Properties (11:59)
5 - Intervals: The Millennium Whoop (3:18)
6 - Beginner Scale Trick: Transpose to a Scale you know well (3:27)
7 - How to find Chords for any Melody (15:22)
8 - Practical Session: Writing a simple Melody - Pop/Future Bass (11:54)
Using Modes To Set The Mood
1 - Modes: Fundamental Concept 1 (8:05)
2 - Modes Example: Dorian (9:08)
3 - Modes: Fundamental Concept 2 (9:17)
4 - Modes: Fundamental Concept 3 (3:42)
5 - Modes Example Lydian + The Gist (7:41)
6 - Modes: Sum Up and Take Aways (4:22)
7 - Practical Session: Writing a Melody in F Phrygian (Festival Style) (14:16)
Interesting Scales For Writing Melodies
1 - The Blues Scale (5:04)
2 - The Harmonic Minor Scale (2:16)
3 - The Hungarian Minor Scale (4:11)
4 - The Hirajoshi Scale (4:18)
Free Bonus Videos - Writing Sessions #1
1 - Writing a Melody with the C Major Scale (Francois) (23:09)
2 - Writing a EDM-ish Melody with the A-Minor Scale (Francois) (11:30)
3 - Creating an EDM Chord Progression and Melody (Tom) (22:35)
4 - Writing Tropical Summer House Chords and Melody in Amin (Tom) (29:21)
5 - Writing a Future Bass Track from Scratch (Tom) (39:12)
6 - Writing Progressive House Chords and Melody from Scratch (Tom) (27:36)
Free Bonus Videos - Writing Sessions #2
1 - Writing Session - Chords and Melody - Melodic Deep / Techno (30:16)
2 - Writing Session - Chords and Melody - Melodic Deep / Techno with Moog Bass (22:56)
3 - Writing Session - Hirajoshi Scale (7:59)
4 - Writing Session - EDM Progressive House "Dramatic" Progression in F-Minor (8:23)
5 - Writing Session - Uplifting Summer House Chords in C#-Minor (21:21)
Bonus Session: Writing "Snake" Chords & Melody (16:51)
Free Bonus Inspiration via PML Ableton Tips
5 Tricks for Better Trap & Hip-Hop Melodies (7:00)
3 Levels of Melody - The Magic Behind Writing Melodies (Easy) (20:04)
Melody Writing Hacks for Beginners (17:46)
Bonus Inspiration: Iwato Scale (via Instagram) (0:42)
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5 - Practical Session: Writing a simple Melody for Melodic Techno
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